Refund Policy

Refund policy

Hi, we're codelone and welcome to the codelone Market Refund Rules. Because we are a platform, these rules outline what you can expect from the codelone market of the items you buy. Thhis apply to all customers. We understand, however, that sometimes issue happen or there may be circumstances in which a refund is warranted. In this case, here are the circumstances in which we would  provide you with a refund:

  • Item support is promised but not provided
  • Items that have not been downloaded

Item support is promised but not provided

If codelone advertises their item as including item support, you have a current support entitlement, and you are not provided that support in accordance with the item support policy the codelone should provide you with a refund.

Items that have not been downloaded

If you have not downloaded a purchased item within 24 hours from the date of purchase, you may be eligible for a refund. You will be required to provide the codelone of that item your purchase code in order for the codelone to verify your claim that you have not downloaded an item. Although we think 24 hours is a reasonable time, depending on where you are located, you might have a longer period to claim a refund if you have purchased for personal use and haven't downloaded the item.

Resolving disputes - asking codelone to help

Refunds will not provide in any of the situations listed below.

  • You don't want it after you've downloaded it
  • The item did not meet your expectations or you feel the item is of low quality
  • You simply change your mind
  • You bought an item by mistake
  • You do not have sufficient expertise to use the item
  • You claim that you are entitled to a refund but do not provide sufficient information as to why you are entitled to a refund
  • You can no longer access the item because it has been removed or the codelone who previously provided the item is no longer active on our platform (we advise you to download items as soon as you have purchased them to avoid this situation).