Bulk SMS and Email Sender

It’s a multi-user SaaS application and designed in a way so that each user can have independent environment. Users will have their own SMS/Email gateways and will manage their own SMS/Email as well as bills

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You can manage your contacts, create SMS/Email template, send SMS/Email, schedule SMS/Email, wish your contacts’ birthday etc using Smart SMS & Email Manager (SSEM) in a smarter way.

SSEM has built-in support for world’s most popular SMS & Email gateways like Plivo, Twilio, Clickatell, Nexmo, Mandrill, Sendgrid, Mailgun etc.

It’s a multi-user SaaS application and designed in a way so that each user can have independent environment. Users will have their own SMS/Email gateways and will manage their own SMS/Email as well as bills .

Use awesome services in your own language. SSEM now has built-in support for 11 languages and you can add new language easily.

Demo URL:

Back-end : Visit Awesome Back-end
Front-end: Visit Responsive Front-end

Login as Admin
Username: admin & Password: 123456

Login as Member:
Username: member & Password: 123456

Supported SMS Gateways :

  1. Planet IT
  2. Plivo
  3. Twilio
  4. Clickatell
  5. Nexmo
  6. msg91.com
  7. textlocal.in
  8. sms4connect.com
  9. telnor.com
  10. mvaayoo.com
  11. routesms.com
  12. trio-mobile.com
  13. sms40.com
  14. africastalking.com
  15. infobip.com
  16. smsgatewayme
  17. semysms.net

Supported Email Gateways :

  1. SMTP
  2. Mandrill
  3. Sendgrid
  4. Mailgun

Smart SMS & Email Manager (SSEM) - 8

Smart SMS & Email Manager (SSEM) - 6

Key Features :

  1.    Dashboard (graphical report of recent activities)

  2.    Settings (system customization & configuration)

  3.    User management (User Types : admin, user)

  4.    SaaS (Software as a Service) pack : PayPal payment and auto reminder system

  5.    Contact management (multi-grouped)

  6.    Most popular SMS/Email gateway support
       (Plivo, Twilio, Clickatell, Nexmo, Mandrill, Sendgrid, Mailgun and so on)

  7.    SMS/Email template management

  8.    Bulk SMS/Email sending

  9.    Scheduled SMS/Email sending (read me)

  10.    Birthday wish SMS/Email (read me)

  11.    Report

  12.    SSEM native APIs: a)Contact Sync b)Send SMS c)Send Email

  13.    Multilingual Support (built-in support for 11 languages)

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